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Better Health Through Balanced Energy

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Eden Energy Medicine Favorites


Summer is upon us and that means vacations, spending more time outdoors, and a little more relaxation in our lives. This month, I decided to pull out some of my favorite Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) techniques to help us relax a little more and bring some extra balance to the next few months. The following exercises help to bring a sense of calm and peace into my life, and I hope you will try one or all, and see if they do the same for you.

Whenever I feel overwhelmed, the exercise Heaven Rushing In brings me back to noticing the bigger picture and gives me inspiration to move forward with more balance. Place your hands on your thighs and take a few deep breaths to ground yourself. Then on an inhale, raise your hands up and bring them together above your head. On an exhale, bring them down to a prayer position in front of your chest. On the next deep breath, open them wide to the sky above your head and stay there as long as you need to. When you are ready, bring your hands to your heart and breathe a few times knowing that all is well. Repeat this as many times as you need it.

Summer is represented by Fire in the Ancient Chinese Medicine Tradition of the Five Elements. To balance the Fire Element, an easy technique is to place one hand over the Main Neurovascular Points on your forehead above your eyebrows and put the other hand on the back of your head behind your eyebrows. This will also calm any feelings of panic.

Taking Down the Flame also helps to balance the Fire Element, calms emotions, helps to create a sense of well-being, and can also lower blood pressure if it is done regularly. Take a deep breath in and out with your hands on your thighs. On the next inhale, raise your hands on either side of your body and connect them above your head so that your fingers and thumbs meet.   Bring them down to your head, touching your thumbs to the top of your head, and exhale. Inhale and bring your thumbs to the middle of your forehead, exhale. Inhale and bring your thumbs to your heart, exhale. Inhale and bring your thumbs to your naval, exhale. On the next inhale, flatten your hands on your thighs and move them down your legs, and off your toes. Then trace your hands up the inside of your legs, finishing in the same spot you started.

Another technique that you can use to find some peace is to Calm the Triple Warmer Neurovascular Points. Place your thumb, first and middle fingers in a cluster together, called a 3-finger notch. Then put those fingers at the “V” at the bottom of your throat above your collarbone. If this feels funny, you can use a flat hand over this spot. Place the other hand on the side of your face with your fingers flat at your temples. Take some deep breaths and then switch sides.  This hold will also help to calm the Stomach Meridian which can be involved with any feelings of worry.

(Published in Front Porch Magazine- June 2018)

EEM for Emotional Well-being

May FP

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so let’s focus on our emotional well-being with some Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) Techniques. EEM not only helps to enhance the health of our physical bodies, it can also help to balance our emotional bodies.

One of the most important aspects of energy is that it needs to move in a crossover pattern for us to maintain a healthy balance. The Crossover Shoulder Pull and Cross Crawl reinforce figure eight and crossover patterns throughout the body, and help us to have more energy, enhance coordination and balance brain function to think more clearly. Start with a shoulder pull by placing your right hand on your left shoulder. With a little pressure, push in and drag your hand across your body to the opposite hip. Repeat on both sides a few times, and then move to an exaggerated walk as you cross over each hand to the opposite knee. If your left knee is up, your right hand should cross over to touch it. Continue this cross-over march for at least one minute.

The Wayne Cook Posture, which was originally created to help stutterers, can help with unscrambling your mind and bring your emotions back in balance. Sit in a chair and place your right foot over your left knee, with your left hand around your right ankle. Next, wrap your right hand around the bottom of your foot. Breathe in slowly through your nose and raise your body along with your foot on the in-breath, release as you breathe out through your nose. After several breaths, switch sides and do the same pattern again. Lastly, place your fingers together, and put your thumbs right between your eyebrows. Complete the exercise by breathing in and out a few times in that position, and then bring your fingers to the middle of your forehead. Push in and pull them across your forehead to your temples.

Holding Neurovascular Reflex Points (NV) is an easy way to calm down and get centered. Place one hand on your forehead right above your eyebrows with a light pressure and breathe. While holding this posture, you can also hold specific points with the other hand depending on the emotion you would like to balance. Place your other hand directly behind your eyes to alleviate any thoughts of fear, or behind your eyebrows to lessen panicked feelings. You can also hold the Main NVs with points just underneath your cheekbones in line with your pupils to alleviate any feelings of worry. Be sure to breathe and hold these points for as long as it takes to feel a sense of peace.

Heaven Rushing In helps us tap into the bigger picture and bring more inspiration into our lives. Place your hands on your thighs and take a few deep breaths to ground yourself. Then on an inhale, raise your hands to your sides and over your head, touching your hands above it. On an exhale, bring them down to a prayer position in front of your chest. On the next deep breath, open them wide to the sky above your head and open yourself to receive inspiration. Stay in this posture as long as you need to. When you are ready, bring your hands to your heart and breathe a few times.

All of these exercises can help us to maintain a better emotional balance, and when our emotions and mental health are in check, we can help our physical body maintain better health as well.

(Published in Front Porch Magazine- May 2018)

Spring Detox for Better Health

April FP

Spring has sprung and just like we spring clean our houses, it is a valuable time to do the same for our bodies. Luckily, Eden Energy Medicine offers many ways to help detoxify the body and move old, stagnant energy out in order to help the body maintain a healthy balance.

Working with the Neurolymphatic reflex points (NL) can help balance the meridians (energy pathways in the body), the organs, and the entire lymphatic system. Stimulating these points helps to support the flow of lymph throughout the body and get rid of any built-up toxins. Be sure to rub these points with deep pressure, and if they are sore, that is a sign that they need to be worked with.

There are many NL points, but some of the ones that you may want to start with include the ones under each side of the collarbone and where the body and arm connect to stimulate the Central and Governing NL points. You can also work with the Liver Meridian by rubbing under the right breast, and Kidney by rubbing down the outside of your upper arm on both sides. See the diagram for more points, but only work with a few at a time, so that you don’t release too many toxins at once.

Resetting your Ileocecal and Houston Valves can help your body release any unwanted material hanging out in your digestive system. With your fingers inside of your hip bones near your pubic bone, drag your them up about six to seven inches with firm pressure while inhaling. Repeat this motion for a total of four times. Then, place your thumbs at the bottom of your ribcage and drag them down toward the hip bone to complete the exercise.

Releasing emotional toxins is important as well and Blowing out the Venom can help you let go of anger and frustration. To begin, bring your arms to either side of your body and make fists, imagining that all your frustrations and negative feelings are in your hands. On an inhale, bring your arms above your head, and on an exhale, bring them down quickly and open your fists, using the “shhh” sound. Repeat three times and on the last movement, bring your hands down slowly and deliberately and let it all go.

Connecting Heaven and Earth will release stagnant energy and toxins and make space for energy to flow in a healthier way. Rub your hands together, shake them off, and place them on your thighs and ground yourself. Circle your arms out and bring them to a prayer position in front of your heart. On an inhale, stretch one hand up and out and one down and out. Stretch as far apart as you can and hold your breath. Come back to prayer position on an exhale and repeat on the other side.  Do this twice on each side and after the last stretch, bend down as far as you can, and let your arms hang in front of you. Take two deep breaths, and then swing back and forth making sideways figure eights all the way up your body.

In the Chinese Five Element tradition, Gall Bladder and Liver Meridians are associated with Spring and balancing them can help us glide into the season with a little more ease. Holding these Spring Neurovascular reflex points (NV) with the Main NV points will help balance the emotions related to these two meridians. Hold your Main NV points above your eyebrows along with points outside of your eyes about a half an inch outside of where your lids meet and breathe.

I hope these exercises help you to welcome Spring with open arms!

(Published in Front Porch Magazine- April 2018)

EEM for Your Heart

March FP

Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day and is constantly working to keep you alive. Unfortunately, we sometimes take it for granted, so why not show your heart a little love with Eden Energy Medicine (EEM)? The following simple exercises can help strengthen, support, and balance your heart, so that it can feel a little more loved.

The Chest Stretch Protocol for the Heart helps to balance the Heart meridian (energy pathways in the body) and the organ itself. While sitting on the edge of a chair, place your palms over your kidneys on your back. On a deep breath in, lift your chest and try to pull your elbows together. Hold this pose for ten to fifteen seconds, and then release your breath. Repeat this a few times.

Pressing and buzzing acupoints on the body, can also help balance the heart. The Power Point is at the back of your head at the base of the skull. It is in the dip you feel in the center where your head meets your neck. Working with this point, can help calm anxiety, balance blood pressure, and support heart health.

The acupoint, Heart 7, can increase the flow of energy to the heart. This point is in line with your pinky finger where your hand and wrist meet. The Liver 3 (LV 3) point helps to balance the Liver meridian so that it can help support the heart. It lies in a dip in the “webbing” area between the big toe and second toe.

The pericardium is the heart’s protector, and working with this meridian helps the heart too. Holding the Pericardium 6 point aids with the communication between the pericardium and the heart, and can help with heart palpitations. It is located on the inside of the arm near the wrist (see image). Please note that if you are pregnant, this point should not be used as it is a “forbidden point” during pregnancy.

Many, or all of these points, may be tender, so work your way up to using a firmer pressure. If they are sore, then that means they are crying out for some love and balancing.

One technique that we often do without even thinking about it is simply massaging our palms. This helps many meridians, and if you twist your baby fingers as you come off your hand, you have also given your Heart meridian an extra boost.

An exercise that I have mentioned before to help relieve anxiety can also help lower the heart rate and blood pressure if done in a slow and controlled way. The Blow Out or Expelling the Venom begins with your arms on either side of your body in fists. Imagine that all your frustrations and negative feelings are in your hands, and on an inhale, bring your arms behind you and then above your head. On an exhale, bring them down and open your fists, using the “shhh” sound. Repeat three times and on the last movement, bring your hands down slowly and deliberately and let it all go.

Placing one flat hand over your heart area and the other hand over the area beneath your belly button can also help the heart. Breathe peacefully for about two to five minutes, and you will also feel more centered.

Keeping your body’s energy balanced is the first step to true wellness, and the Daily Energy Routine (DER) can be the gateway to it. View the DER on the first page of this website.

(Published in Front Porch Magazine- March 2018)

Hook Up For More Balance

pablo (24)

Have you ever had one of those days when you just could not get it together? When we feel “scatter brained,” or as if we can’t seem to focus, one way to pull ourselves back together is by doing what the Eden Energy Medicine community calls, “Hooking up.”

Doing a Hook-up brings energy systems together, so that they can keep your body in balance. Hooking up is as simple as holding two spots on your body that correlate with the systems you are trying to bring into balance.  Because these exercises are so calming, they are good to do anytime you feel dizzy or faint, have a shock or change, or feel disconnected from yourself or others.

The Classic Hook-up is part of the Daily Energy Routine (see Jan/Feb 2017) for a good reason. It connects two meridians (energy pathways in the body) which are like our “energetic spine.” This hook-up also helps Radiant Energy (the energy of joy and vitality) flow, and helps connect the mind and body. There have also been reports that it has stopped seizures and fainting spells. Simply place one middle finger in your belly button and the other one on your forehead between your eyes. Push in, pull up, and breathe a few times.

Triple Warmer is the meridian in charge of our survival, and is usually running at full speed. When it gets overworked, we can feel anxious and stressed, but Harmonizing Triple Warmer as a Radiant Circuit brings it into the Radiant Energy of joy. Place a flat hand on your forehead and the other flat hand on or a little above your bellybutton. Connecting these two areas settles the adrenals down and calms you.

Another fantastic way to work with Triple Warmer is to Calm the Triple Warmer Neurovascular Points. Place your thumb, first and middle fingers in a cluster together, called a 3-finger notch. Then put those fingers at the “V” at the bottom of your throat above your collarbone. If this feels funny, you can use a flat hand over this spot. Place the other hand on the side of your face with your fingers flat at your temples. Take some deep breaths and then switch sides.  This hold will also help to calm the Stomach Meridian which can be involved with any feelings of worry.

Holding Neurovascular Points is another option to calm down and get centered. Place one hand on your forehead and the other on the back of your head. You can place the hand on the back of your head in different areas depending on the need. Put it at the bottom of your head at the base of your skull to quickly calm down. Place it directly behind your eyes to alleviate any thoughts of fear, or behind your eyebrows to lessen panicked feelings. Be sure to breathe and hold any of these hook-ups as long as it takes to feel a sense of peace.

The 2nd & 4th Chakra Hook-up helps to center us and “come home” to ourselves. This exercise connects two chakras (energy centers that play a role in all of the system in our body) and brings balance to the body. Place a flat hand over your heart area and the other hand flat across the area beneath your belly button. Do this whenever you feel disconnected with yourself and need to feel more centered. These simple, easy hook-ups can change your day by adding peace and calm to it. Just remember to breathe and hold them for a few moments or until you feel better.

(Published in Front Porch Magazine- Jan 2018)

The Winter Rhythm: Water

Water Balancing Use

Water is the element on the Chinese five element wheel that represents the season of Winter. Just as nature hibernates and takes this season to rest, we should also do the same. It is a time to go within, and contemplate all that we have been through this year, while getting ready to birth new ideas in the Spring.

Balancing the Water Element  can help us shift from any fear that we may feel, to a place of courage in facing the amazing possibilities before us as we start a New Year. Try holding one hand over your Main Neurovascular Points on your forehead, and the other on the back of your head directly behind your eyes, and feel the strength and fearlessness that is your truth!

EEM Tips to Avoid Holiday Hiccups

pablo (12)

Whether we are ready or not, the holiday season is upon us. That means seasonal parties, shopping, and outings may take up more of our time, and it can be easy to get off track both physically and emotionally. Eden Energy Medicine exercises can help us stay balanced throughout the month of December and help us stay on track in the new year. Try some of these techniques and see if they help you avoid any hiccups during the holiday season.

Crowds, gatherings, and even family can add to feelings of overwhelm and make us feel off center, and it is important to stay grounded to avoid getting off balance. The Grounding Thump is a quick way to get back on track, and can also help relieve any feelings of worry. Simply tap on your cheekbones while taking two to three deep breaths.

Taking Down the Flame can help us sleep better and lower blood pressure. Take a deep breath in and out with your hands on your thighs. On the next inhale, raise your hands on either side of your body and connect your fingers and thumbs above your head. Bring them down and touch the top of your head with your thumbs on an exhale. Inhale and bring your thumbs to the middle of your forehead, and exhale. As you continue this pattern of breathing, bring your thumbs to your heart, and then to your naval. On the next inhale, flatten your hands on your thighs and move them down your legs, and off your toes. Then trace your hands up the inside of your legs, finishing in the same spot you started.

Holding points on your forehead, called the Main Neurovasculars, can also help us find a sense of calm. Simply hold your hand over your forehead and breathe. You can also try holding the back of your head at the same time, either directly behind your eyes or further down where your neck and head meet. Be sure to breathe and hold this as long as you like.

It seems that December can often be a month of overindulging and as we partake in food and spirits, our body may have a tough time processing those things. To help your body metabolize, try the Spleen Tap. Tap or rub the points on each side of your ribcage at the base of your ribs to activate the Spleen Meridian.

Working your Ileocecal and Houston Valves can also help process what you take in and aid in digestion. Place both hands on your hip bones with your little fingers at the edges of them. With pressure, push in and drag your hands up about six or seven inches on a deep in-breath. Shake off your hands, and repeat this four more times. Finally, drag your thumbs downward from the waist to the hip bone.

Oftentimes amid all the holiday hub-bub, we forget that this is supposed to be a season of joy. Heaven Rushing In is one technique that can help us tap into the real reason for the season. Place your hands on your thighs and take a few deep breaths to ground yourself. Raise your hands to your sides and over your head, touching your hands above it, and then bring them down to a prayer position in front of your chest. On the next deep breath, open your hands wide to the sky above your head and stay there as long as you need to. When you are ready, bring your hands to your heart and breathe knowing that all is well and you have all that you need.

Happy Holidays!

(Published in Front Porch Magazine- Dec. 2017)

Hormone Help with EEM

Nov Hormones FP

Healthy hormones are essential to our well-being, and over 250 different hormones have the job of governing functions throughout our body. When they are out of balance our health is affected, but when they are in balance we can thrive.

Our adrenal glands are part of the endocrine system and when they are compromised, our body cannot regulate the amount of adrenaline and cortisol released. Both hormones play an important part in how we handle stress, and if unbalanced, we can experience adrenal fatigue or even adrenal burn-out. Issues with the adrenals can lead to depression, exhaustion, memory loss, and a harder time coping with our daily lives. Fortunately, using some Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) techniques can help bring the adrenals into balance.

Buzzing or pressing on the adrenal points, located one inch above and one inch out from the naval, for about 15 seconds can help. Do this on the front of the body, and on the corresponding areas on the back of the body regularly.

Cortisol is another hormone that regulates stress and can lead to imbalances in blood pressure and immune function, among other things. The Metabolic Tummy Breath is an exercise that can balance this hormone. Breathe in and suck in your tummy until you cannot take in anymore air. At that point take in three very quick, tiny breaths. Then exhale while still sucking in your tummy. When it feels like you cannot release anymore air, breathe out three quick, tiny breaths. You can also do the Daily Energy Routine (Front Porch, Jan. and Feb. 2018) to help lower stress and prevent excess cortisol.

Thyroid problems seem to be the issue of the day for many, and you can help this organ with hormone production by simply stretching your neck, to the side and up and down, often. Holding a spot right at the base of the throat (the hollow at the bottom of your neck) and holding your temples at the same time, can also help balance the thyroid.

Three glands that play a key role in hormone production and regulation are the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the pineal gland. Connecting four areas on the head that help with the blood flow of these glands can help balance the hormones they govern.

Begin with a crown pull to open space in your head for energy to move. Start with your thumbs on your temples and your fingertips in the middle of your forehead. With pressure, stretch your forehead by moving your fingers to your temples. Repeat at your hairline and move over your head until you reach the base of your neck. Pull across it, and place your fingers behind your shoulders. Squeeze your shoulders and pull your fingers over them to the front. Take a deep breath and pull your hands off.

Then place the palm of your left hand over your hair line and lay your fingers over the top of your head. Place the palm of your right hand on the back of your head directly behind your eyes with those fingers meeting the fingers of your left hand, and take some deep breaths. This is called the Rooster Comb Hold (for obvious reasons) and though it may seem awkward at first, doing this as part of your energy routine maintenance can go a long way in maintaining the health of your hormones.

(Published in Front Porch magazine- Nov. 2017)

EEM for Your Precious Peepers

EEM for Eyes

Originally Published in Front Porch Magazine- Oct.2017

Our eyes are the window to our soul, and we want to keep them healthy. Stress, age, and simple overuse can impact our vision, but luckily Eden Energy Medicine offers ways to get and keep our precious peepers doing their job and feeling good while doing it.

Energy needs to have space to move for us to be balanced, and the area around the eyes is no exception. Doing the Crown Pull regularly makes space for clogged energy to release and the blood to circulate more efficiently. Start with your thumbs on your temples and your fingertips in the middle of your forehead. With pressure, stretch your forehead by moving your fingers to your temples. Repeat at your hairline and move over your head until you reach the base of your neck. Pull across it, and place your fingers behind your shoulders, squeeze them and pull your fingers over to the front. Take a deep breath and pull your hands off.

Rubbing and Palming the eyes is another way to increase blood and energy flow, and it also helps with how the brain processes visual signals. When you wake up, give your eyes a nice, gentle rub. This supports your eyes by working with a meridian that is involved in eye health. Next palm your eyes by rubbing both of your hands together and shaking them off. Without touching the eyes, slightly cup your palms and place the heel of your hand on your cheekbones with the tips of your fingers resting at your hairline. Place your thumbs at your temples and cross your pinky fingers in the middle of your forehead. Hold this for about 1 to 3 minutes.

You can also relax the energies that go through the eyes by holding other points around them. Place your thumbs at the bottom of each cheekbone and your fingers over the tops of your eyebrows (see image). Hold this for a few deep breaths. Tracing figure eights between the eyes, as well as within your visual field, can help increase eye coordination and communication between the eyes and the brain. Make this motion as if you are drawing a pair of glasses between both eyes.

The Tibetan Eye Chart offers a natural way to correct vision and eye coordination. It was designed by Tibetan monks, and you can use it to strengthen your eye muscles to improve vision if used often. The chart is attached, however you may want a larger version, so I suggest searching the internet to print one. Place it on a wall with the center at the height of your nose. Trace the image with your eyes moving from one dot to the next in a clockwise motion, and then in a counterclockwise motion. Next, move your eyes from the center red dot down each arm to the black dots, and then back to the red dot. Do each of these exercises first from a distance of four to six inches, and then again from about three feet away. If you wear glasses, do each exercise with your glasses on first, and then with them off.

Keeping your eyes healthy also involves being sure to attend to them throughout the day. Give them new things to look at, especially if a computer is part of your regular scenery. Shift often from focusing on close things and things farther away. Move your head and scan the area with your eyes to keep them moving. There are amazing things to look at in this world of ours. Do these exercises regularly and hopefully, you can keep your eyes working so that you can continue to appreciate the scenery around us.

Time for Letting Go

Fall Newsletter- Metal

Metal is the element on the Chinese five element wheel that represents the season of Autumn. Just as trees release their leaves at this time, Metal’s two associated meridians (Lung and Large Intestine) also represent letting go. If you feel a little off during this time of year, try holding the Metal Neurovascular Points located at the very top of your head with the Main Neurovascular Points on your forehead above your eyebrows. Hold these points together as you breath into the beauty of the season, and release all that you no longer need to make room for the wonder that is to come!

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