When I meet clients for the first time or teach an Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) class, I often begin by sharing some of the Principles of Energy Medicine that Donna Eden teaches. Every exercise or technique in EEM is based on these principles, and this month I am focusing on the principle of cross-over patterns.
Energy wants to cross over, and it likes to do so in small and large figure 8 patterns. These crossovers are found everywhere, from the pattern of our DNA to the communication systems between the left and right sides of our brain, and the stronger these cross-over and figure eight patterns are, the healthier we are.
When your energies are not crossing over, we can feel tired, unfocused, depressed, or simply not have much energy or motivation. We can also be more vulnerable to illness. Creating a habit in the body of crossover energies can help us to feel more energetic, enhance our coordination, balance left and right brain communication, and clear our thinking so we are more focused.
We often will create that cross over energy without even realizing it by crossing our legs or arms, or even doodling on paper, but there are also some EEM exercises that can help us to create even more crossover patterns.
To perform the Crossover Shoulder Pull and Cross Crawl, start with a shoulder pull by placing your right hand on your left shoulder. With a little pressure, push in and drag your hand across your body to the opposite hip. After repeating on both sides a few times, move to an exaggerated walk as you cross over each hand to the opposite knee. Continue this cross-over march a few more times to cement the pattern. If this exercise leaves you tired instead of feeling more energetic, check out the Homolateral crossover Exercise in ‘Exercises to try’ at the link at the top.
The Figure Eight pattern is the optimal way that energy moves. They help to create that crossover pattern and also activate an energy system called the Radiant Circuits (your joy circuits). They are good to do over any part of your body that does not feel well, and they also strengthen our surrounding energy field. Simply move your hands in a large figure eight pattern around your body. There is no wrong way to do this, just trace eights in a way that feels right to you. You can make big eights over your whole body or small eights over parts of it. You can make eights in the air or on your skin. You can make eights between you and someone else and even visualize situations surrounded by eights.
Tracing an eight over your eyes or drawing eights on paper also activates this cross-over pattern. To trace eights around your eyes, start at the bridge of your nose and slowly, either on your skin or a few inches out from your skin, come up and around one eye and back to the bridge of your nose and then trace a circle over your other eye. Do this as many times as you like.
Make it a habit to do any or all of these exercises at least one time a day, if not more, and see if they help you to feel more balanced and focused.
(Originally published in Front Porch Magazine, March 2021)
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