It's All Energy Wellness

Better Health Through Balanced Energy

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Ignite Your Joy!

pablo (20)

Originally Published in Front Porch Magazine- Sept. 2017

We are hard wired for joy, though it may not always feel like it when the daily grind of life happens. Throw in a look at the news, and it’s easy to forget that life is supposed to be a happy existence. Fortunately, there is a way to reignite joy and happiness through Eden Energy Medicine techniques that awaken The Radiant Circuits.

These energy pathways help us to experience strength, vitality, and exhilaration. When we strengthen this system in our body, we ignite joy, gratitude and love, and working with them on a regular basis can help create new habits that keep us in a healthy and happy place.

There are many ways to activate these energies that were first described some 4,500 years ago in Chinese texts. Smiling, laughing, walking in nature, or listening to music naturally activates them, but there are also exercises that can help as well.

A great first step is to release any negativity, and a combination of exercises called the Blow Out, Zip Up, and Hook Up will help us. To begin, bring your arms to either side of your body and make fists, imagining that all your frustrations and negative feelings are in your hands. On an inhale, bring your arms above your head, and on an exhale, bring them down quickly and open your fists, either using the “shhh” sound or the name of what is upsetting you. Repeat three times and on the last movement, bring your hands down slowly and deliberately and let it all go. To Zip Up, place both hands over your pubic bone, and trace straight up the center of the front of your body to your bottom lip. Then, imagining a lock and key, lock the meridian you just traced (Central Meridian) at your bottom lip. For the last exercise in the combination, The Hook Up, place one finger in your belly button and the other between your eyebrows on the bridge of your nose, push in and pull both points up. Breathe a few times and you have not only helped get your Radiant Circuits online, but aided all the other energy systems in your body.

The Triple Warmer/ Spleen Hug not only awakens your Radiant Circuits, it also helps anytime you feel overwhelmed. Place your right hand on the left side of the rib cage, and the left hand on the other arm with the pinky finger at the indent at the tip of your elbow. Wrap your hand around the elbow and stay in that position for about two minutes. Switch sides and repeat.

Another type of hook up helps to Harmonize Triple Warmer, a meridian that oversees our fight and flight response, and bring it in line with our adrenal response system. Place one hand on your forehead and the other hand above your naval. Hold this for at least a minute and breathe.

Heaven Rushing In helps us tap into the bigger picture and bring more inspiration into our lives. Place your hands on your thighs and take a few deep breaths to ground yourself. Then on an inhale, raise your hands to your sides and over your head, touching your hands above it. On an exhale, bring them down to a prayer position in front of your chest. On the next deep breath, open them wide to the sky above your head and stay there as long as you need to. When you are ready, bring your hands to your heart and breathe a few times.

I hope these exercises allow you to know your truth- you are a beautiful, radiant being and joy is your natural vibration!

Calming Public Speaking Stress

FP August Public Speaking

Originally Published in Front Porch magazine in August 2017

The fear of public speaking is second only to the fear of death according to a study that rated the most common fears, but luckily there are some natural techniques that can help us to feel a little more comfortable when all eyes are on us.

Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) offers a wide variety of exercises that can help us before and during a speech. One way to prepare for a public speaking event is by doing the Main Neurovascular Hold. Place your hand on your forehead, being sure to cover the points above your eyebrows, and think about the upcoming event until you feel a shift in your anxiety.

Right before you are getting ready to take center stage, try the TW/Spleen Hug.

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Headache Help

July FP (1)

Originally Published in Front Porch Magazine July 2017

Headaches affect all of us, and can range from a nuisance that won’t go away to full blown pain that stops us in our tracks. However, there are ways to naturally relieve a headache using acupressure points and simple energy medicine exercises. The next time you feel a headache coming on; try one of the following techniques before you reach for that aspirin.

Massaging the Occipital Ridge at the back of your head is a good place to start. This is the area where your spine and head meet, and rubbing along it can help to relieve tension associated with a headache. Start in the middle at the top of your spine and work your way along this ridge to the hollow right behind your ears. Be sure to pay special attention to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Headache Points, which are located about 1 inch from either side of your spine.  Find the places where you feel an indentation and rub and massage them deeply while breathing. These can also help to calm you down as they plug into your nervous system.

If you have a headache that is located at the front of your head, try spreading your fingers apart and placing them above each eyebrow. With pressure, pull or rake your fingers up toward your hairline. Use only the amount of pressure that is comfortable. This helps blood to circulate in this area, and can help you feel better quickly.

A similar exercise called The Crown Pull helps make space for energy and blood to circulate and can also help you think more clearly. Start with your thumbs on your temples and your fingertips in the middle of your forehead. With pressure, stretch your forehead by moving your fingers to your temples. Repeat at your hairline and move over your head until you reach the base of your neck. Pull across it, and place your fingers behind your shoulders, and then squeeze your shoulders and pull your fingers over them to the front. Take a deep breath and pull your hands off. Scratching and massaging your head can also help.

Meridians are energy pathways in the body and working with these points can bring relief for many types of ailments. One of the most common points used to relieve headaches is along the large intestine meridian. In the webbing between your index finger and thumb lies the Large Intestine 4 point. Press, rub, or massage this point until any tenderness goes away. Do not use this point if you are pregnant, as it can cause contractions.

Simply rubbing your temples can also bring relief, help with allergies and loosen up the TMJ joint, as this area works with a meridian called Triple Warmer which governs our stress response. A few other points that are on meridian pathways to try are located right outside the bridge of your nose at the inside of your eyebrows, and points right underneath your cheekbones in line with the center of your eyes.

With all of these exercises, do the one that feels right and if one doesn’t work, try another. Headaches are unique to each of us, just as the remedy is.


Ground Yourself

pablo (17)

Originally published in Front Porch Magazine, May 2017

Do you ever feel spacey or disconnected? What about feeling tired for no reason or having trouble staying focused? Luckily, there may be a simple fix that can help us reconnect, invigorate us, and according to some studies, even help with inflammation. It is called grounding, or earthing, and just like we ground an outlet for better functionality, it can help us feel more connected and improve our emotional and physical well-being.

One of the best ways to ground is through nature. Simply walking barefoot in the grass (especially wet grass) can do wonders by pulling in the healing energy of Mother Earth through acupressure points on the bottoms of your feet. If getting outside is not an option, Eden Energy Medicine offers some do-it-yourself techniques to help us ground, so that we can live healthier lives.

Our feet are powerful grounding tools, and rocking back and forth by raising up on your toes and back on your heels is a great grounding technique. You can also open your foot ‘gaits’ by massaging in between the bones on the top of your feet, rubbing the bottom of your feet by pushing in and stretching the heels away from the balls of your feet, and squeezing down the sides. You can work your hand ‘gaits’ as well, by rubbing the palms of each hand with your thumb and massaging in between the bones on the back side of the hand. Finish by pulling off the energy from each finger.

The Grounding Thump (part of the Daily Energy Routine- Front Porch, Jan. and Feb. 2017) is a quick way to get grounded and can also help relieve any feelings of worry. Simply tap on your cheekbones while taking two to three deep breaths.

One of my favorites is the Quickie Grounder, and aside from grounding you, it just makes you feel good. Do a Hook-Up by placing one finger in your belly button, and another finger in the middle of your forehead. Take a few breaths. Next, place your hands on your waist with your thumbs in the front and hands in the back. Slide them down your legs with pressure and then squeeze the sides of your feet. Take two breaths while holding the sides of your feet and then trace up the inside of your feet and legs.

Taking Down the Flame is also great to do before bed for a better night’s sleep, and can lower blood pressure if done on a regular basis. Take a deep breath in and out with your hands on your thighs. On the next inhale, raise your hands on either side of your body and connect them above your head so that your fingers and thumbs meet.   Bring them down to your head, touching your thumbs to the top of your head, and exhale. Inhale and bring your thumbs to the middle of your forehead, exhale. Inhale and bring your thumbs to your heart, exhale. Inhale and bring your thumbs to your naval, exhale. On the next inhale, flatten your hands on your thighs and move them down your legs, and off your toes. Then trace your hands up the inside of your legs, finishing in the same spot you started.

Whatever tool that you use, studies have shown that maintaining your grounding can improve your circulation, reduce inflammation, and helps the nervous system function properly. It is also a fantastic way to maintain a healthier emotional outlook, so get grounded!

Taming Anxiety

April Diagram

Originally Published in Front Porch Magazine, April 2017

We live in a society where anxiety seems to rule the day, but luckily there is a way out of the stressful loop that can easily become a regular part of our lives. Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) combines ancient Chinese techniques with other modalities and offers exercises to combat the everyday stressors that we encounter.

When we get overwhelmed, we lose blood from our brain which can make it hard to focus. Holding points on your forehead, called the Main or Frontal Neurovascular Reflex Points can draw blood and oxygen back into your head so that you can think clearly again. Placing your hand over the points right above each eyebrow does wonders to regain clarity and balance.

To train your brain to better respond to stressful situations, you can bring a worried thought to your mind while holding your hand over these points for about three to five minutes or until thinking about the thought brings you to a state of calm instead of anxiety. To get even more bang for your buck, place the palms of each hand on your cheekbones and your fingers over the Main Neurovascular points. You will be holding points that can calm feelings of worry, as well as stress.

Another combination is to place your hand across your forehead covering those Main Neurovascular points and place your other hand on the back of your head directly behind your eyes. This “hook-up” helps with any thoughts of fear, as well as anxiety.

Triple Warmer Meridian governs our flight, freeze, and fight response, and is often the underlying cause of stress related issues. Meridians are energy pathways in the body which were mapped out thousands of years ago by the Chinese. When stress and anxiety show up, it is almost always related to an imbalance in our Triple Warmer Meridian.

This meridian supports our ability to handle the demands of life, and bringing it into balance can create a sense of safety and calm. Luckily, there are quite a few EEM techniques that can help. One, the Triple Warmer Smoothie not only calms anxiety, but can also work with hot flashes experienced during menopause.

Rest your face in your hands with your palms at your chin, fingers at your temples and take two breaths. As you breathe in deeply lift your fingers a few inches above the ears. On an exhale, circle behind your ears and press down the sides of your neck to your shoulders. As you hang your hands on your shoulders, press in and breath for two breaths. Finally, drag your hands down to cover your heart and take a deep breath.

Sometimes we need a little something in the moment, and the following exercises can be done ‘under the radar’ without anyone knowing what you are doing. The Triple Warmer/ Spleen Hug is done by placing your right hand on the left side of the rib cage, and the left hand on the other arm with the pinky finger at the tip of the elbow. Wrap your hand around the elbow and take three deep breaths. Switch sides and repeat.

Whatever technique you use, know that you are not alone. All of us are presented with opportunities for stress daily, but with these simple exercises, hopefully we react to those stressors in a healthier way.

Calming a Cough and Cold

Originally published in Front Porch Magazine, March 2017

Feel a scratchy throat cramping your style, or is that sneeze a signal of bad times to come? Before you reach for that medicine bottle, why not try a few simple Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) techniques to nip that cold in the bud before it takes over?

EEM combines aspects of Chinese Medicine with other modalities to balance the energies of the body so that you can achieve wellness and health. These techniques can reduce the length and severity of cold and even flu symptoms, and sometimes they can even stop an illness in its tracks.

The Four Thumps, Connecting Heaven and Earth, the Cross Crawl, and the Hook-Up are parts of a Daily Energy Routine (DER) that should be your go-to exercises at the first signs of an illness. They help move toxins out of the body, and bring in fresh, healing energy. See previous issues of the Front Porch (January and February 2017) for an explanation of these techniques.

Aside from the DER, there are other exercises that can help strengthen your body to move out any sickness that might be taking hold. Meridians are a system in the body that are vital to the flow of healthy energy. Working with the Lung Meridian can help to alleviate any associated symptoms of a cough or cold.

One technique is to flush the Lung Meridian. It runs on each side of the body from the lung, up and over the shoulder, down the inside of the arm in line with the thumb, and off the thumb. Flushing it brings new energy to it. You simply trace it backwards (from the thumb to the lung) once and forward (from the lung to the thumb) three times. Do this on each side.

The Lung Source Point is an acupoint that can also bring fresh energy to the lung. It is located at the crease between your hand and wrist just below the puffy part of your thumb. You can use a couple of fingers in that area to be sure you are on the point, and then just massage or press it for a few minutes. Repeat on the other side.

Neurolymphatic points hold in toxins that can only be released by massage or exercise. To release the toxins in the Lung Neurolymphatics, deeply press or massage the space in the middle of your sternum starting at the base of your collarbone.

Oftentimes when a cold comes on, we just want to relieve our sinuses so that we can breathe better and feel more comfortable. EEM has a few techniques to help with this as well.

At the side and base of your nose, where it flares at the bottom, are Large Intestine points that can help with relieving sinus pressure. With the pads of your fingers, press or massage the points on either side of your nose for about one to two minutes until you can breathe more clearly.

You can also do what is called the Cheekbone Press. Place the pads of your fingers underneath your cheekbones next to your nose. Push in and up and hold for about fifteen seconds. Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. As you continue to press in, drag your fingers to the opening of your ears and pull down the sides of your neck.

Many of these points may be sore at first. If they are, it means that they needed a little bit of help to get that energy moving. Once you work with them more and more, your system will feel more balanced and healthy and you will be on the road to recovery in no time.

Tips for Those Troubled Nights

pablo (15)

You’re lying in bed staring at the ceiling, trying not to look at the time. It’s another night of insomnia and counting those sheep has done nothing to relieve it.

Many of us have trouble falling asleep at night, but luckily Eden Energy Medicine has some great exercises up its sleeve to help you get those much needed zzzzz’s.

Most of these exercises are in Donna Eden’s book, Energy Medicine, but I have also linked to videos of some of the exercises to help you along.

Expelling the Venom is a great way to let go of the tension and stress of the day, while the Taking Down the Flame exercise will help calm and ground you before hitting the sack. Two other techniques to help you relax before bed include the Triple Warmer Smoothie (also great for any other part of the day) and The Crown Pull (this helps to make space in the neck and head so that all those thoughts that keep you from sleeping stop floating around).

There are also a few things you can do once you make it to bed. Melatonin is a hormone that is needed for our bodies to enter sleep mode, and one way to naturally activate it is to rub and hold the backs of your knees. These points connect with the pineal gland which produces melatonin.

Sometimes our flight-fight-freeze response (governed by Triple Warmer Meridian)  gets the best of us before bed, but there are ways to calm this so that the sandman can start visiting. Place one hand across your forehead (these are the main Neurovascular Reflex Points) and one hand on the back of your head where your head and neck meet. Take a few deep breaths, or more if it feels right,  and then place your hands over your heart.

The Triple Warmer/ Spleen Hug is one of my all-time favorites, but you can also place your thumb, 2nd and 3rd fingers together at the indent at the bottom of your throat and rest the other hand right below your belly button. This will relax many of your energy systems. Take a few breaths here, or simply hold it until you fall asleep.

These are just a few techniques to help you get a good night’s rest. Hopefully you will find one that has you snoring in no time at all. Happy dreaming!


Let It Go

pablo (8)

We are living in unsettled times, and when things around us feel like they aren’t in control, that can often translate to an internal out-of-control feeling. Keeping those emotions inside can also eventually translate into a physical issue, so it’s a good thing to release them for your own well being. One technique to calm your anger or frustration is with an Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) technique called “Blowing Out the Venom.”

Eden Energy Medicine combines ancient techniques such as acupuncture, Qigong and Chinese Medicine in order to balance and energize the body. We are all energy and when we use certain exercises and techniques to balance that energy, we can process and rid ourselves of unwanted emotions and physical issues, and create deeper happiness and harmony in our lives.

I love this exercise because it is a tactile and kinesthetic way to really release all of those emotions that are pent up inside. To start, stand with your hands in front of you, palms open. Imagine that you are holding all of those things that you are angry and frustrated about in the palms of your hands. Take a deep breath, and at the same time, make fists, raise your hands behind you, and bring them above your head. With a vigorous movement, throw your hands down beside you and open your hands. It is as if you are throwing those unwanted emotions and ideas away. Make a hard shhhhh sound as you bring your hands down, or you can also say the name of the thing or person that you were thinking of.

I usually do this about three times, and can feel an immediate relief when doing it. On the last round, bring your hands down more slowly and deliberately to really seal in the release. I also like to do the “Zip Up” when I’m finished to protect myself against negativity.  Starting at your pubic bone, use both hands to trace straight up the center of the front of your body to your bottom lip. Then, imagining a lock and key, lock Central Meridian (the meridian you just traced) at your bottom lip. Central Meridian governs self-suggestion, so this can also boost your self confidence.

”Releasing the Venom” is a great exercise to do before going to sleep in order to release all of those unwanted emotions that have built up throughout the day. I am betting that you will have a better night’s sleep too!


wherever-you-are-be-there-totally-eckhart-tolle-1Mindfulness is the quality of intentionally being present in the moment and clearly noticing what is happening in it. We can be mindful of everything that goes on around us including the sights, the sounds, the smells, what we taste, touch, think and what we feel through our emotions.  It also means being open and honest about what is happening in the moment, and observing it rather than trying to control it. (Which is where stress usually comes from).

Mindfulness can improve our lives in a variety of ways.  When we are mindful of each moment, our life takes on a reverence and awe, and we find gratitude comes easily because we are noticing the miracles of each moment.

Research has shown that this practice can benefit both the body and the mind as it helps reduce the stress we feel in our daily lives. It has been a proven way to deal with stress in the medical setting (Mindful Based Stress Reduction- MBSR) and is also being introduced in the school setting for educators and students. A growing body of research is finding that when students practice mindfulness, they experience better focus and concentration, an increased sense of calm, and can better manage their emotions.

Mindfulness is easier to practice when you anchor onto something that brings you to the present moment. It might help to think of an anchor in mindfulness just as you would on a boat. It keeps you in one place and if you start to drift away, it brings you back.  Here are a few anchors to get you started:

  • Your Breath– Focusing on the breath is an easy and quick way to center yourself. Simply sitting and concentrating on your breathing can bring you to the moment.  You can focus on your belly rising and falling or feel the breath come in and out. You can also count your breaths to whatever number you choose (10 is a good number) and continue for as long as you are able. When you first start, 1 minute may seem like 1 hour, but as you practice and get better at it, you can sit for longer. (and that’s what mindfulness is- it’s a practice).
  • Sound- Sound is another way to anchor your thoughts and focus on the present moment. Simply stopping to listen to all of the sounds around you can bring you back from whatever thoughts and emotions you may be feeling that you may not want to feel.
  • Your Body- We can also use our bodies to anchor us. We often disassociate ourselves from what our bodies are feeling unless we are in pain, but what about paying attention to the body and the miracle that it is when we aren’t in pain?  We do this by performing a body scan. You can find many guided meditations for this, but you can also do it yourself by focusing on different parts of your body. Think about your feet and put all of your attention there. How do they feel inside your shoes? How does each toe feel? Can you feel the pressure of the floor?  Do they feel hot or cold? Heavy or light? Continue thinking about the sensations until you get to the top of your head.

There are many other ways to practice mindfulness, including using anchor words, mindful walking and eating, being mindful of our emotions and thoughts, and practicing heartfulness and compassion toward others. But hopefully, you now have a general understanding of what mindfulness is and some tips that might help you try it out.  It works!

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