We are in the heat of summer, and that means that the Fire Element is in full swing. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Fire Element is associated with Summer, and also connected with the Heart Meridian. Meridians are energy pathways in our body and when we balance them, we can achieve emotional and physical well-being and good health.
Heart is often called “The Emperor” in TCM because it rules over all of our organs. It is responsible for the circulation of blood, and is associated with laughter, enthusiasm, and love. When the Heart Meridian (HT) is out of balance, we can experience shortness of breath, palpitations, tiredness, cold sweats, and restless sleep or insomnia, among other things.
Heart is also the ruler of our emotions. When we experience intense feelings, they go to HT and it sets the mood for the other organs in the body. An imbalance can find us feeling sad or depressed, anxious, or even experiencing erratic behavior. We can also become overwhelmed with pain or grief. However, a balanced HT offers us tranquility, optimism, a zest for life, joy, and love for ourselves and for others.
Working with the Heart Meridian’s Source Point is one way to balance it. Simply press on or massage HT 7, located on the palm side of the hand at the wrist crease, in line with the pinky finger. Balancing this point can aid with issues related to sleep, blood pressure, and help us feel more connected and less anxious.
Tracing the pathway of Heart Meridian is another way to balance it. Place your right hand under your left armpit and trace straight down the inside of your arm in line with your little finger, and then off of your little finger. Do the same thing on the other side. I like to pull with pressure and twist my little fingers to really activate Heart energy.
Simply massaging your palms is another way to help balance HT and other meridians, as well. Sometimes, I will also hold my little finger with the opposite hand for a bit and then pull the energy off my little finger.
The Chest Stretch Protocol for the Heart helps to balance HT, as well as the organ itself. While sitting on the edge of a chair, place your palms over your kidneys on your back. On a deep breath in, lift your chest and try to pull your elbows together. Hold this pose for ten to fifteen seconds, and then release your breath. Repeat this a few times.
Placing one flat hand over your heart area and the other hand over the area beneath your belly button can also help balance HT. Breathe deeply for about two to five minutes, and you should feel calmer and more centered. You can also place one hand on your heart area and the other on the top of your head over what used to be your baby soft spot. Hold this for a few breaths and see if it doesn’t help to calm you as well.
(originally published in Front Porch Magazine, August 2020)
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