As we near the end of our year-long journey through the Meridians, the season of Autumn is the perfect time to talk about Large Intestine Meridian. Just as the trees let go of their leaves this season, our Large Intestine Meridian (LI) is also about letting go and releasing that which we no longer need.
The Large Intestine organ has a huge role to play in the digestive process by storing, and then releasing and eliminating waste. It is also extremely important in the metabolism of water. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Lung and LI Meridians make up the Metal Element, and LI assists the lungs in controlling the skin’s pores and perspiration.
When LI is imbalanced, we can experience digestive issues, abdominal pain, and even issues with the mouth, teeth, nose and throat. Because LI is all about detoxifying and cleansing the body of things we do not need, skin issues can also be associated with an imbalance in this Meridian, as well as inflammation and a lack of energy.
LI is not only about releasing physical toxins from the body, though. When it is not working optimally, we can feel a toxicity in the mental, emotional and spiritual areas of our lives. Emotionally, we can feel depression, grief, irritability, discouragement, and a sense of emptiness. We can also act stubbornly, be dismissive toward others, feel a need to be right all the time, resist change, and feel a sense that we need to control and hold onto things that may not be healthy for us.
However, when we have a Balanced LI, we display a sense of integrity, can release what we no longer need, show a tenderness toward others, and have a sense of reverence and an awe for life. Luckily, there are some easy ways to balance LI energy using acupoints and Eden Energy Medicine techniques. All of the following points are located on each side of your body, so be sure to work them both.
The Large Intestine Source Point can not only balance LI to help with digestion, but also can help relieve pain, and calm a headache or sore throat. Please note however, that you DO NOT want to use this point if you are pregnant, as it has the potential to induce labor. LI 4, or The Joining of the Valleys, is located in the webbing on the back of your hand where your thumb and index finger meet (see diagram). Massage it deeply as you work with it.
The LI Neurolymphatic Points are located on the outside of your thighs (see diagram). Massage these points up and down deeply to help with digestive health and release toxins from LI.
Working with LI 11 at the elbow can help with digestion, releasing feelings that are no longer needed, and calm an upset stomach. Located at the crease of the elbow in line with your index finger, you can place a finger on it and massage it deeply or cross your arms and place your thumbs on the point on each arm to get the benefit of crossing your energies at the same time.
(Originally published in Front Porch Magazine, November 2020)
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