Do you have a hard time making decisions or do you ever question decisions that you have already made? If so, working with the Small Intestine Meridian (SI) might be one way to make those decisions a little easier to make.
The Small Intestine organ is an important part of the digestive system and makes constant decisions about what nutrients the body needs and what should be separated and eliminated. An unhealthy Small Intestine can affect the decisions it makes, which can result in poor absorption of nutrients that are important for our health.
Just like the Small Intestine organ, the Small Intestine Meridian (Meridians are energy pathways in the body) is all about decision making. A balanced SI allows us to be decisive and discern what is important and what is not. However, an imbalanced SI can lead to panic or the inability to make decisions, feeling divided and pulled in many directions, irritability, and indecisiveness about our life’s direction. Physically, we can experience among other things cramping, bloating, poor circulation and digestion, weakness in the legs, and sore or stiff shoulders. Luckily, there are some ways to bring SI into balance using Eden Method techniques and Traditional Chinese Medicine wisdom.
The Small Intestine Meridian, along with a few other Meridians, is part of an element called the Fire Element. The Fire Element is associated with the season of Summer, so the following exercise is a great one to do throughout the season. Place your hand on your forehead being sure to cover the area above each of your eyebrows, and place your other hand on the back of your head directly behind your eyebrows. Breath into this a few times as you hold these two areas with a light touch.
Small Intestine Meridian runs on both sides of our body from our little finger, up our arm and neck and ends near the ear. You can massage or press on points along the meridian to balance them and the meridian itself. The eleventh point on Small Intestine (aptly called SI-11) is located in the middle of our shoulder blade (see graphic) and is an extremely powerful point that can clear mental congestion and bring awareness to what we want out of life. It can also help to relieve anxiety so that we can discover what is ours to do.
Another point that can help balance SI energy is SI-4. It is located on the outside area near the wrist on the back of the hand in line with the pinky finger. This point is the Source Point for SI, which means that it directly helps the SI organ when you work with it. It is also indicated as a good point to work with if you have diabetes, tinnitus, or pain in the wrist. With any of these points, work them on both sides of the body, and please don’t get hung up on exact location. Just have the intention that you are on the point as you work with it. You can sometimes feel a soreness as you work with them and that is one way to tell you are in the right spot.
Working with our Neurolymphatic Points helps to release toxins from our body and can balance the associated Meridian. Deeply massage and rub the points underneath the ribs (see graphic) to work with the Small Intestine Meridian.
(Published in Front Porch Magazine- July 2020)
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