Though we should practice gratitude all year long, November seems to be the month that it becomes a true focus as we give thanks for all that is in our lives. Practicing gratitude can be a profound and life changing experience and adding a few Eden Energy Medicine techniques to your daily practice can help to boost the joy that you feel in your life. It might even help make the month of Thanksgiving even more thankful.
Heaven Rushing In helps us to tap into the bigger picture of the moment. Place your hands on your thighs and take a few deep breaths to ground yourself. Then on an inhale, raise your hands to your sides and over your head, touching your hands above it. On an exhale, bring them down to a prayer position in front of your chest. On the next deep breath, open them wide to the sky above your head and stay there as long as you need to. When you are ready, bring your hands to your heart and breathe a few times feeling a loving, thankful energy in your heart area and throughout your entire body.
The Nine Hearts exercise can help to tap into our natural state of joy, and therefore enhance our gratitude potential. Start by tracing three hearts around your face starting at your forehead. Next, trace three hearts starting at the middle of your chest and down to your pubic bone. Lastly, trace three big hearts over your head and down to your thighs or even to your feet. Be sure to breathe and not get too hung up on the specifics of this exercise.
Connecting Heaven and Earth makes space in the body for energy to move, and can help to activate our Radiant Circuits to bring us more joy and gratitude. Rub your hands together vigorously and shake them off. Place them on your thighs with your fingers spread and take a deep breath. On the next inhale, circle your arms out and bring them to a prayer position in front of your heart and exhale. On the next inhale, stretch one hand up and one down, stretching as far apart as you can, and hold your breath. Come back to prayer position on the exhale and repeat on the other side. Do this twice on each side and after the last stretch, bend down as far as you can, letting your arms hang in front of you. Take two deep breaths, and then swing back and forth making sideways figure eights all the way up your body
The 2nd & 4th Chakra Hook-up helps to center us and “come home” to ourselves. This exercise connects two chakras (energy centers that play a role in all of the system in our body) and brings balance to the body. Place a flat hand over your heart area and the other hand flat across the area beneath your belly button. Do this while taking some deep breaths and feel gratitude as you practice this exercise. I wish you a month filled with gratitude, peace, and joy!
(Published in Front Porch Magazine- Nov. 2019)
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